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Solicitud de número de identificación fiscal (EIN) de Virginia | Cómo aplicar en línea

¿Quiere obtener su número de identificación fiscal (EIN) en Virginia? Esta breve guía de solicitud de identificación fiscal en Virginia le guiará a través de los pasos básicos que debe seguir para solicitar su número de identificación fiscal (EIN) en el estado de Virginia. Si usted es dueño de una sociedad, LLC de varios miembros, corporación, sin fines de lucro, fideicomiso o patrimonio, esta guía le ayudará a aprender lo que necesita saber para obtener su número de identificación fiscal oficial del IRS en cuestión de minutos.

Pasos para obtener su número de identificación fiscal (EIN) en Virginia:

  1. Prepare la información requerida
  2. Solicitar un NIF de Virginia en línea
  3. Solicitar un NIF de Virginia por teléfono, correo o fax
  4. ¿Cómo obtengo un número EIN en Virginia?
  5. ¿Cómo obtengo un número de identificación fiscal?
  6. ¿Cómo puedo obtener un número de identificación fiscal en Virginia?

Solicite su número de identificación fiscal (EIN) en Virginia

Solicite un número de identificación fiscal (EIN) en Virginia y obtenga su número de identificación fiscal en 1 hora o menos.

Comenzar solicitud de EIN

1. Prepare la información requerida

Ideally, you’ll tener listo un plan de negocio as well as your articles of incorporation or partnership agreement (for partnerships and LLCs), but these documents aren’t strictly necessary.

Instead, you’ll need to gather the following information:

  • Nombres legales. Consiga los nombres legales completos de todos los miembros fundadores de su empresa y téngalos preparados.
  • Direcciones: You’ll also need the addresses of all business members.
  • Números del Seguro Social (SSN): You’ll need the social security numbers (SSNs) for all members, for tax purposes.
  • El nombre de su negocio. Elija un nombre comercial antes de iniciar el proceso de registro.

Una vez que disponga de estos datos, podrá seguir el siguiente paso del proceso.

2. Solicitar un NIF de Virginia en línea

There are a few ways to get a tax ID. While the traditional process involves mail, a phone call, or even an in-person visit, today it’s possible to apply for your Virginia tax ID exclusively online. The online process is remarkably straightforward; you’ll just need to answer a few simple questions about yourself and your business, including the bits of information listed above. When you’ve completed the application, it will be submitted for processing.

The process doesn’t take long; in fact, most people who apply for a tax ID online get their number emailed to them in an hour or less. Because you don’t need to mess with mailing anything, and you can complete the whole process from your computer, it’s far more convenient than the traditional method. Plus, you’ll get your tax ID faster, which means you can start your business earlier—and start generating revenue as early as possible.

Obtenga su número de identificación fiscal (EIN) en Virginia      

Solicite un número de identificación fiscal (EIN) en Virginia y obtenga su número de identificación fiscal en 1 hora o menos.

Obtenga su número de identificación fiscal federal (EIN)

3. Solicitar un NIF de Virginia por teléfono, correo o fax

If applying online makes you uncomfortable, or if you prefer the traditional approach, there are other methods available to you. You can apply for your tax ID over the phone, which involves answering the same questions, but in an interview style, rather than responding to online questions. You can also fill out the paperwork by hand and send it in via fax, or via the mail. You’ll get the same tax ID number at the end of this process, but the problem is the processing time—it usually takes 4 to 6 weeks to get your tax ID by mail this way.

4. ¿Cómo puedo obtener un número EIN en Virginia?

So what’s the best way to get a federal tax ID number in Virginia?

First, you should understand the different types of tax IDs that are available to your Virginia business, and what they’re used for. Your federal tax ID is también conocido como número de identificación patronal, or EIN. In common parlance, it’s also referred to as a general “tax ID.” This number is a nine-digit identifying code that’s used for tax purposes. You’ll also need it if you plan on hiring employees, or if you’re going to apply for licenses and permits on behalf of your business. It’s also possible to get a state tax ID—but we’ll address that in the next section.

Si desea obtener un número de identificación fiscal para su negocio de Virginia, la mejor manera de hacerlo es a través de un servicio de obtención de número de identificación fiscal en línea. Solo tiene que responder en línea a unas cuantas preguntas sobre usted, sus socios comerciales y su empresa, y obtendrá su EIN (número de identificación fiscal) por correo electrónico en una hora o menos.

5. ¿Cómo obtengo un número de identificación fiscal estatal?

Now let’s turn our attention to your Virginia state tax ID. Your state tax ID is a unique identifier, just like your federal tax ID, but it’s used for slightly different purposes. Your tax ID will register your business with the federal government, while your Virginia state tax ID registers your business with the state government. You’ll also need a Virginia state tax ID if you plan on hiring employees in Virginia, if you’re going to owe sales taxes on goods and services you sell in Virginia, or if you owe excise taxes on what you sell (which includes controlled goods like alcohol, gasoline, and tobacco).

You can get a Virginia state tax ID using a similar process to the one you used to get your main tax ID. You’ll apply for the state tax ID online, answering several questions about your business, and should be able to get your state tax ID number delivered to you in short order.

6. ¿Cómo puedo obtener un número de identificación fiscal del Estado de Virginia?

Applying online is the quickest and easiest way to obtain your Virginia State Tax ID. But please don’t get this state ID confused with the Federal version of this. AS stated above, each has separate functions and purposes. The online State Tax ID application can take up to a few minutes to complete and up to a few weeks to get it by mail. Look for alternatives where you can receive your state tax ID via email to save time and hassle.

If you’re an aspiring entrepreneur in Virginia, you should be aware of the tremendous opportunities that surround you. There are más de 681.000 pequeñas empresas en el estado, cumulatively employing nearly 47 percent of all Virginia employees, and Virginia’s biggest cities—including Chesapeake, Norfolk, and Arlington—are some of the hottest areas for entrepreneurship. The corporate tax rate is 6 percent, but if you’re operating a limited liability company (LLC), you’ll only be responsible for an annual registration fee at the state level.

In any case, if you plan on starting a business in the state of Virginia, you’ll need a tax ID number (EIN) first. Knowing how tax IDs work, and finding the most efficient way to get one, is the ideal way to start your business.

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