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Número de identificación fiscal (EIN) de Massachusetts y registro de empresas

Massachusetts es muy acogedor para los emprendedores y las pequeñas empresas. La Commonwealth alberga muchas pequeñas empresas, con El 86% de sus empresas having 20 employees or fewer, and 75 percent of its businesses having 10 employees or fewer. On top of that, firms with 20 employees or fewer account for the creation of 20 percent of the new jobs in the state. Major metropolitan areas around Boston, Worcester, Salem, and Springfield draw thousands of new entrepreneurs every year. If starting a business in Massachusetts is your dream, you should know there are some important legal requirements and formalities to pursue before you can start making money. Fortunately, the process to establish your business isn’t as complicated as it first appears.

Pasos para obtener un número de identificación fiscal y registro comercial en Massachusetts:

  1. Formación legal de su empresa en Massachusetts
  2. Obtenga su número de identificación fiscal federal (EIN)
  3. Número de identificación fiscal del Estado de Massachusetts
  4. Licencias y permisos de Massachusetts

Solicite su número de identificación fiscal (EIN) en Massachusetts


Solicite un número de identificación fiscal (EIN) en Massachusetts y obtenga su número de identificación fiscal en 1 hora o menos.

Comenzar solicitud de EIN

Formación legal de su empresa en Massachusetts

Ultimately, there are four main choices for Massachusetts entrepreneurs: sole proprietorships, partnerships, limited liability companies (LLCs) and corporations. In terms of simplicity, you can’t get easier than a sole proprietorship or partnership—they’re practically the same, except partnerships involve two or more members and must have a partnership agreement in place. LLCs are a little more complicated, and corporations are the most complex; they’re subject to far more rules, laws, and restrictions because they have the power to issue public shares.

Most entrepreneurs prioritize taxes as a considering factor. In LLCs, sole proprietorships and partnerships, the process is simple; you’ll pay taxes as an individual on any money you make with the business. C and S Corporations are treated as separate legal entities, so their taxes are a bit more complicated. Corporations are responsible for a corporate excise tax at the state level, and are taxed on eligible income at the federal level as well. The Massachusetts el impuesto especial de sociedades estatal es complejopero, por lo general, puede contar con que es una combinación del 8% de los ingresos admisibles de Massachusetts y $2,60 por cada $1.000 de bienes tangibles imponibles de Massachusetts o de patrimonio neto imponible.

You should also consider the liability protection offered by each business type. Sole proprietorships and partnerships offer practically no liability protection. In LLCs, you’ll get protection from most liabilities, debts, and obligations. And in a Corporation, you’ll have even more liability shielding—one of the tradeoffs to paying (typically) higher taxes with this business structure.

Obtenga su número de identificación fiscal federal (EIN)

Before you get any further in the process, you’ll almost certainly need a federal Tax ID Number. This unique identifier for your business, sometimes called an Número de identificación del empleador (EIN) (EIN), will register your business with the federal government, which is necessary for tax planning purposes. You’ll also need an EIN for hiring employees—as the name suggests—and for opening new lines of business credit or new bank accounts. It’s also a handy substitute for your personal social security number when filling out some forms of business paperwork.

Si desea poner en marcha su empresa de la forma más rápida y eficaz posible, pruebe a utilizar el servicio de obtención en línea del número de identificación fiscal federal. Con unos pocos datos sobre usted y su empresa, podemos registrarle y asignarle un EIN en una hora o menos.

Obtenga su número de identificación fiscal (EIN) en Massachusetts


Solicite un número de identificación fiscal (EIN) en Massachusetts y obtenga su número de identificación fiscal en 1 hora o menos.

Obtenga su número de identificación fiscal federal (EIN)

Número de identificación fiscal del Estado de Massachusetts

If you plan on hiring employees in Massachusetts, or if you’re selling taxable goods and services in the state, you’ll also need a Massachusetts State Tax ID Number. This ID number is used for a variety of functions, including registering your business for state-level taxes. It also serves as a unique identifier for your business, which is important when completing applications for any state-level function, applying for business licenses and some types of business partnerships.

Licencias y permisos de Massachusetts

Muchas empresas deben tener licencia o permisos especiales para operar en el estado de Massachusetts, como las organizaciones del sector sanitario, la construcción o el transporte. Puede consultar los requisitos específicos de su sector en la Sitio web Mass.govya que hay miles de posibles permisos y certificaciones que debe conocer.

In addition to state-level licensing, you may be required to have specific licenses and permits to operate within specific city limits. These permits vary by location, so there’s no comprehensive source that can tell you everything. The most efficient way to learn whether your business needs permits like these is to talk to an expert at your local Chamber of Commerce.


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