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Número de identificación fiscal (EIN) de Arkansas y registro de empresas

Starting a business in Arkansas isn’t especially complicated, but there are some key points you’ll need to consider before moving forward. Before you get lost in daydreams about making it big as a business owner, you should familiarize yourself with the realities of business creation and ownership. Arkansas is particularly welcoming to small businesses. More than 99 percent of Arkansas businesses are small businesses—there are nearly 245,000 of them. And those businesses collectively emplean al 48,5% de la mano de obra de Arkansas. Arkansas is seeing a respectable economic growth rate of 2.2 percent, and an output of more than $19.8 trillion. You will find plenty of opportunities—especially if you take advantage of the many resources available to you, including the Centro de Desarrollo Tecnológico y de la Pequeña Empresa de Arkansas (ASBTDC).

Pasos para obtener un número de identificación fiscal de Arkansas y registro de empresas:

  1. Formación legal de su empresa en Arkansas
  2. Obtenga su número de identificación fiscal federal (EIN)
  3. Número de identificación fiscal del Estado de Arkansas
  4. Licencias y permisos de Arkansas

Solicite su Número de Identificación Fiscal (EIN) en Arkansas


Solicite un número de identificación fiscal (EIN) en Arkansas y obtenga su número de identificación fiscal en 1 hora o menos.

Comenzar solicitud de EIN

Formación legal de su empresa en Arkansas

When you create your Arkansas business, you’ll need to choose a specific business type, each of which has strengths and weaknesses. These are the most noteworthy structures you’ll need to consider:

  • Empresas unipersonalesEmpresas con propietario único.Sole proprietorships are the simplest type of business to start, so they tend to appeal to first-time entrepreneurs or small businesses with no long-term plan for expansion. In this business type, you’ll pay taxes as an individual, but you won’t get any liability protection, which means you’ll be exposed to any debts and obligations on behalf of the business.
  • Sociedades colectivasLas sociedades colectivas son casi idénticas a las unipersonales; la principal diferencia es el número de socios. Las sociedades colectivas tienen dos o más socios y un contrato de sociedad permanente que determina cómo se reparten los ingresos y el poder de decisión.
  • Sociedades de responsabilidad limitada (LLCs).Limited liability companies (LLCs) are a little more complex, because they’re treated as standalone entities that track their own income and expenses. They don’t pay taxes on income at the federal level, and in Arkansas, they’re required to file an annual report, while paying a tipo impositivo único anual $150 (unless they’ve opted to be taxed as a corporation). LLCs also provide you with some liability protection; you won’t personally take on debts or liabilities of the organization.
  • Corporaciones.Corporations are the most complex business type, and are subject to more laws and restrictions than other business structures. They have the ability to raise funds by issuing public shares, which makes them the favorite choice of entrepreneurs with long-term visions of growth and expansion. Like LLCs, they’re treated as separate entities, and they provide a great deal of liability shielding to their owners, but they’re taxed differently. At the federal level, corporations are taxed on all eligible income. In Arkansas, corporations are gravados con una fórmula de tres factoresEn el caso de los trabajadores por cuenta ajena, la base imponible se fija en el 1 % de los primeros $3.000, en el 2 % de los siguientes $3.000, en el 3 % de los siguientes $5.000, en el 5 % de los siguientes $14.000, en el 6 % de los siguientes $75.000 y en el 6,5 % de todos los ingresos que superen ese umbral.

If you’re confused about which business structure will serve your organization best, take a step back and trabaje en su plan de empresa (which you should have in place before you finalize this decision, no matter what). Once you have a better understanding of how your business plans to make money, what competition you’ll face, and how you plan to grow over the next several years, it should become clear to you which business structure will serve you best—or you’ll at least be able to rule out a few possibilities.

Obtenga su número de identificación fiscal federal (EIN)

Su Número de identificación del empleador (EIN) (EIN) or federal Tax ID Number is a unique number associated with your business; you’ll get one when you officially register your business with the federal government. You’ll need this number if you plan on hiring employees, if you’re going to open a business bank account, or if you’re going to establish monetary agreements and partnerships with other businesses. In short, almost every business will need one.

Si desea agilizar este proceso y hacerlo lo más sencillo posible, utilice nuestro servicio online de obtención del número de identificación fiscal federal.

Obtener su Número de Identificación Fiscal (EIN) en Arkansas


Solicite un número de identificación fiscal (EIN) en Arkansas y obtenga su número de identificación fiscal en 1 hora o menos.

Obtenga su número de identificación fiscal federal (EIN)

Número de identificación fiscal del Estado de Arkansas

In addition to your federal tax ID, you may need an Arkansas state tax ID number. This number is used for a variety of state-level functions, including registering for sales taxes on eligible goods and services, and hiring and paying employees. You’ll also need it for excise taxes and other special state-level taxes.

Para hacer las cosas más rápidas y fáciles para los empresarios, también ofrecemos servicios de obtención de la identificación fiscal del estado de Arkansas. El proceso es sencillo; con unos pocos datos sobre usted y su empresa, le tendremos preparado y listo para crecer en un abrir y cerrar de ojos.

Licencias y permisos de Arkansas

In Arkansas, you may also be required to have specific licenses, permits, or certifications before you can begin operations. Because these licenses may vary based on your location, and are required for dozens of different industries, it’s hard to list them all in any concise fashion. You can búsqueda en los registros del código municipal para averiguar si su empresa está obligada a tener licencias específicas, o póngase en contacto con la Cámara de Comercio local para obtener más información. Si conoce a otros empresarios del sector, puede hablar con ellos también para hacerse una idea de los requisitos.

If you have a strong business idea and a business plan in place, you’re only a few logistical steps away from making your business a reality. Take advantage of our federal tax ID and Arkansas state tax ID obtainment services to accomplish those steps even faster!


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