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Solicitud de Número de Identificación Fiscal (EIN) de Missouri | Cómo solicitarlo en línea

¿Desea obtener su número de identificación fiscal (EIN) en Missouri? Esta breve Guía de Solicitud de Número de Identificación Fiscal de Missouri le guiará a través de los pasos básicos que debe seguir para solicitar su Número de Identificación Fiscal (EIN) en el estado de Missouri. Si usted es dueño de una sociedad, LLC de varios miembros, corporación, sin fines de lucro, fideicomiso o patrimonio, esta guía le ayudará a aprender lo que necesita saber para obtener su número de identificación fiscal oficial del IRS en cuestión de minutos.

Pasos para obtener su número de identificación fiscal (EIN) en Missouri:

  1. Prepare la información requerida
  2. Solicitar una identificación fiscal de Missouri en línea
  3. Solicitar una identificación fiscal de Missouri por teléfono, correo o fax
  4. ¿Qué es un número de identificación fiscal de Missouri?
  5. ¿Cómo puedo obtener un número de identificación fiscal para una LLC de Missouri?
  6. ¿Cómo puedo obtener un número de identificación fiscal en el Estado de Missouri?


Solicite su número de identificación fiscal (EIN) en Missouri

Solicite un número de identificación fiscal (EIN) en Missouri y obtenga su número de identificación fiscal en 1 hora o menos.

Comenzar solicitud de EIN

1. Prepare la información requerida

Before you begin the application process, it’s helpful to collect these key pieces of information:

  • El nombre de su negocio. You’ll need to have a final decision for your business’s name, since applying for a tax ID will officially register your business.
  • Nombres de los miembros fundadores. You’ll need the full legal names of all founding members in the business.
  • Direcciones de los miembros fundadores. You’ll also need those members’ addresses.
  • SSN de los miembros fundadores. Los números de la Seguridad Social (SSN) también son necesarios para inscribirse.

If you haven’t already ha creado un plan de empresa, this is a good time to get started. You may also want to draft your partnership agreement, or articles of incorporation, so you have your co-founders’ information on file internally.

2. Solicitar una identificación fiscal de Missouri en línea

If you want to get your Missouri tax ID number as quickly as possible, it’s in your best interest to apply online. While other traditional methods are available to you, none of them are as fast or as convenient as the online tax ID application.

When applying for a tax ID number online, you’ll be prompted to answer a series of questions about your business and your co-founders. Filling out the application shouldn’t take long; most people are able to do it in the span of several minutes. After that, you’ll need to wait for your application to finish processing, but depending on the service you use, this can take less than an hour. After that, you’ll be emailed your tax ID, so you can get your business started the same day you begin the application process.

It’s hard to beat how cheap, convenient, and fast the online application process is.


Obtener su número de identificación fiscal (EIN) en Missouri

Solicite un número de identificación fiscal (EIN) en Missouri y obtenga su número de identificación fiscal en 1 hora o menos.

Obtenga su número de identificación fiscal federal (EIN)

3. Solicitar una identificación fiscal de Missouri por teléfono, correo o fax

Para quienes se muestren reacios a rellenar una solicitud en línea, también existen otras posibilidades de solicitud del EIN más tradicionales: puede solicitarlo por teléfono, por correo o por fax.

All three EIN application methods bear some resemblance to the online process; you’ll answer a practically identical set of questions, except you’ll need to fill them out on a sheet of paper or answer them over the phone to complete the application. After that, you’ll face a wait time for your application to process—which could take up to 4 to 6 weeks. When processing is finally complete, you’ll be mailed your tax ID number in about 4-6 weeks—postponing your business’s start even further.

4. ¿Qué es un número de identificación fiscal de Missouri?

Before you begin that application process, you should know exactly what a tax ID is—and which type of tax ID you need. The term “tax ID” usually refers to your federal tax ID number, also known as an employer identification number (EIN), but you may also need to consider a (state-level) Missouri state tax ID number. Both serve as unique identifiers for your business, though one registers your business with the federal government and the other registers it with the Missouri state government.

You’ll need a federal tax ID if your business is going to hire employees, or if it already includes more than one person due to its business structure. EINs are also frequently used when opening a line of credit or a business bank account, or when applying for business licenses. The vast majority of businesses in Missouri will need a federal tax ID number.

You’ll need a Missouri state tax ID number if you’re going to hire Missouri state employees. You’ll also need one if you’re selling taxable goods and services in the state, or if you need to pay excise taxes (due on goods like alcohol, tobacco, and gasoline). In many cases, you’ll need both a federal tax ID and a Missouri state tax ID.

5. ¿Cómo obtengo un número de identificación fiscal para una LLC de Missouri?

If your Missouri LLC has multiple members or plans on hiring employees, you’ll almost certainly need a tax ID. Fortunately, the process for getting that tax ID is pretty straight forward.

If you’re interested in getting your tax ID as quickly as possible, the best option is to apply online. Once you start, you’ll be walked through a simple questionnaire that prompts you for information about your business and its founding members. When you’re done with the online tax ID application you’ll be emailed your tax ID number.

Do note that the processes for applying for a federal tax ID and Missouri state tax ID are separate and distinct, even though they’re similar. Applying for one doesn’t immediately grant you the other, and you should focus on getting your federal tax ID first.

6. ¿Cómo puedo obtener un número de identificación fiscal del Estado de Missouri?

Determining whether you need a federal tax ID or a Missouri state tax ID can be confusing, but there’s a simple process you can follow. If you plan on conducting business in the state of Missouri that includes selling taxable goods and services or hiring Missouri employees, you’ll need a Missouri state tax ID. If you’re hiring any employees, working with any partners, opening business financial accounts, or applying for licenses and permits, you’ll need a federal tax ID as well.

If you’re interested in applying for a Missouri state tax ID number, you can follow a process very similar to the process for applying for a federal tax ID (EIN). You can choose to follow the much easier online application or apply via a traditional process, although, the online process tends to be faster.

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