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Solicitud de Número de Identificación Fiscal (EIN) de Michigan | Cómo solicitarlo en línea

¿Desea obtener su Número de Identificación Fiscal (EIN) en Michigan? Esta breve Guía de Solicitud de Número de Identificación Fiscal de Michigan le guiará a través de los pasos básicos que debe seguir para solicitar su Número de Identificación Fiscal (EIN) en el estado de Michigan. Si usted es dueño de una sociedad, LLC de varios miembros, corporación, sin fines de lucro, fideicomiso o patrimonio, esta guía le ayudará a aprender lo que necesita saber para obtener su número de identificación fiscal oficial del IRS en cuestión de minutos.

Pasos para obtener su número de identificación fiscal (EIN) en Michigan:

  1. Prepare la información requerida
  2. Solicitar un NIF de Michigan en línea
  3. Solicitar un NIF de Michigan por teléfono, correo o fax
  4. ¿Cómo obtener un número de identificación fiscal para su empresa?
  5. What’s the Difference Between a State Tax ID and Federal EIN Number?
  6. ¿Cómo puedo obtener un NIF en Michigan?


Solicite su Número de Identificación Fiscal (EIN) en Michigan


Solicite un número de identificación fiscal (EIN) en Michigan y obtenga su número de identificación fiscal en 1 hora o menos.

Comenzar solicitud de EIN

1. Prepare la información requerida

If you want to get your Michigan tax ID numbers quickly, you’ll need to prepare some information first. That way, you can complete the application process more efficiently.

These are some of the most notable pieces of information you’ll need:

  • Un nombre comercial. Regardless of whether you’re starting a limited liability company (LLC) or a corporation, you’ll need to have a business name. This is, in some ways, a process to register your business with the government, so a name is essential to complete the process.
  • Nombres de socios y miembros. You’ll also need to provide your full legal name, and the names of all your partners and/or members.
  • Números de la Seguridad Social. For tax purposes, you’ll need the social security numbers (SSNs) of all your founding partners or members.
  • Direcciones. To receive the appropriate mail, you’ll need to have the addresses of all your members on file.
  • Escritura de constitución y/o contrato de sociedad. Though not strictly necessary to get a federal tax ID or Michigan state tax ID, it’s a good idea to draft your estatutos o acuerdo de asociación antes de proceder con este proceso.

2. Solicitar un NIF de Michigan en línea

When you start the process to get your Michigan tax IDs, you’ll have several options. The fastest and most convenient is to apply for your tax IDs online, assuming you have all the information you need to complete the application process. Our forms are designed to be simple, so all you have to do is answer a handful of questions about your business, yourself, and your founding members. Once the application is complete, we can register your business with either the federal or Michigan state government (depending on which type of ID you’re applying for), and will email you your number within an hour.


Obtener su número de identificación fiscal (EIN) en Michigan


Solicite un número de identificación fiscal (EIN) en Michigan y obtenga su número de identificación fiscal en 1 hora o menos.

Obtenga su número de identificación fiscal federal (EIN)

3. Solicitar un NIF de Michigan por teléfono, correo o fax

If you prefer a more traditional process, you could also apply for a federal tax ID or Michigan state tax ID via phone, mail, or fax. As you might expect, this process takes much longer. You’ll have to fill out the necessary paperwork by hand, or give your information over the phone, and wait for your application to process. Then, assuming there are no mistakes or errors, you’ll have to wait 4 to 6 weeks to get your tax ID number in the mail.

4. ¿Cómo obtener un número de identificación fiscal para su empresa?

In many cases, your business will require a federal tax ID number. You’ll definitely need one if you own a partnership, a corporation, or an LLC with more than one member. If you have an LLC with a single member, or a sole proprietorship, you may be able arreglárselas sin uno. You’ll also need an EIN if you plan to hire employees, or if you’re going to open a business bank account.

If you meet any of these criteria, you’ll need to register your tax ID number. The easiest way to do this is through the one-hour tax ID number obtainment services for small businesses. If you have the pieces of information referenced above, you can fill out a few forms online and get your federal tax ID via email within 1 hour.

5. What’s the Difference Between a State Tax ID and Federal EIN Number?

Throughout this article, we’ve referenced two different tax ID numbers—the federal tax ID number, sometimes called a federal employer identification number (FEIN) or employer identification number (EIN), and the Michigan state tax ID number. So what’s the difference?

Your federal tax ID number will register your business with the federal government, and equip you to pay taxes on a federal level. It’s also important for hiring employees and withholding taxes on payroll, applying for business credit and loans, and opening business bank accounts. Think of it as a federal ID number for your business—not unlike your SSN.

Your Michigan state tax ID number is most commonly used for sales taxes, excise taxes (which apply to products like alcohol and tobacco), and state-level tax withholding when you hire employees. If you’re selling taxable goods and services in Michigan, or if you’re hiring Michigan employees, chances are, you’ll need one.

6. ¿Cómo puedo obtener un número de identificación fiscal del Estado de Michigan?

If you’re ready to get your Michigan state tax ID number for your business, the process is highly similar to the process for getting a federal tax ID. Simply complete an online Tax ID application and even though the process takes a bit longer than the Federal Tax ID, once you’ve completed your online app, you’ll receive your official Tax ID documents via email as well as via official mail.

As a new entrepreneur, the process of getting a federal tax ID and Michigan state tax ID may seem confusing, but it’s simpler than most people give it credit for.

Artículos relacionados con el número de identificación fiscal (EIN):


Guía para la obtención del número de identificación fiscal (EIN)



Cómo obtener un número EIN para una LLC



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