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Should I use the Lifetime Learning Credit or an education deduction?

If you already have a college degree and want to continue your education, then you have a choice when it comes to the form of…

Will I be taxed for employer tuition assistance?

Employer tuition assistance (aka educational assistance) could be taxable. Check whether your employer's program counts as an exception.   As the cost of education rises…

Educate yourself on college tax breaks

March is a gut-wrenching month for high school seniors waiting for college acceptances ... and for their parents awaiting financial aid awards. But another spring…

The rules on deducting student loan interest

You can claim up to $2,500 in interest paid on qualified student loans used to pay for college or vocational school.   NEW YORK (MainStreet)…

Tax-savvy ways to save for your kid’s college expenses

The tax code provides several ways to defer or avoid taxes while saving for your child's education.   The tax code provides several ways to…

Tax-free Coverdell savings accounts saved by Congress

Coverdell education savings accounts have never really drawn many headlines, even when unexpectedly saved from extinction as part of Washington's "fiscal cliff" deal.Much like the…

What Is Federal Withholding

How These Taxes Affect Your Paycheck, Tax Return, and Tax Refund The terms “payroll taxes” and “withholding taxes” essentially refer to the same thing. In…

Tax Credits

What Are Tax Credits & How Do They Lower Your Tax Bill? Tax credits can help reduce your liability dollar-for-dollar. That being said, they generally…