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Solicitud de Número de Identificación Fiscal (EIN) de Georgia | Cómo solicitarlo en línea

¿Desea obtener su Número de Identificación Fiscal (EIN) en Georgia? Esta breve guía de solicitud de identificación fiscal de Georgia le guiará a través de los pasos básicos que debe seguir para solicitar su número de identificación fiscal (EIN) en el estado de Georgia. Si usted es dueño de una sociedad, LLC de varios miembros, corporación, sin fines de lucro, fideicomiso o patrimonio, esta guía le ayudará a aprender lo que necesita saber para obtener su número de identificación fiscal oficial del IRS en cuestión de minutos.

Pasos para obtener su número de identificación fiscal (EIN) en Georgia:

  1. Prepare la información requerida
  2. Solicitar un NIF de Georgia en línea
  3. Solicitar una identificación fiscal de Georgia por teléfono, correo o fax
  4. ¿Cómo se obtiene un número de identificación fiscal en Georgia?
  5. What Is Georgia’s State Tax ID Number?
  6. ¿Cómo puedo obtener un número de identificación fiscal del Estado de Georgia?


Solicite su número de identificación fiscal (EIN) en Georgia


Solicite un número de identificación fiscal (EIN) en Georgia y obtenga su número de identificación fiscal en 1 hora o menos.

Comenzar solicitud de EIN

1. Prepare la información requerida

You’ll be pleased to know the first step is an easy one—you’ll just need to gather up a few pieces of information about you, your partners, and your business, including:

  • Información sobre el cofundador. Prepárese para recopilar información sobre usted y todos sus cofundadores, incluidos sus nombres legales completos, sus domicilios particulares (para poder recibir el correo pertinente para la empresa) y sus números de la seguridad social (SSN).
  • El nombre de su negocio. You’ll also need to have your official business name in place.
  • Papeleo empresarial. You won’t need your business plan completed to get a tax ID, nor will you need your articles of incorporation or partnership agreement; however, they may be beneficial for gathering the appropriate information for your application.

2. Solicitar una identificación fiscal de Georgia en línea

When you’re prepared to get your Georgia tax ID, you should know you have multiple options for filling out your application. While traditional processes, like applying via mail or fax, still exist, it’s in your best interest to apply online, since it can save you both money and time.

For starters, applying online is more convenient; chances are, you won’t have to leave the house, and you can fill out the questionnaire faster in a digital format. You also won’t have to worry about buying stamps, or your application getting lost in the mail. Perhaps most importantly, the application process is faster. You can complete the application in a few minutes—after that, you’ll get your tax ID via email, usually within one hour of that application’s completion.


Obtener su número de identificación fiscal (EIN) en Georgia


Solicite un número de identificación fiscal (EIN) en Georgia y obtenga su número de identificación fiscal en 1 hora o menos.

Obtenga su número de identificación fiscal federal (EIN)

3. Solicitar un número de identificación fiscal de Georgia por teléfono, correo o fax

If for some reason you want to use a more traditional process to apply for your tax ID, there are a few different methods available to you. You can apply by phone, by mail, or by fax. These methods rely on the same type of application as the online version; you’ll be asked many of the same kinds of questions, except you’ll need to fill them out on a piece of paper or in conversational style over the phone.

The biggest drawback of these traditional methods is the time they take to process. After you’ve submitted your application, it can take up to 4 to 6 weeks to process. When it’s done, you’ll get your tax ID via traditional mail, delaying the start of your business even further.

4. ¿Cómo se obtiene un número de identificación fiscal en Georgia?

There are several criteria that could force you to get a tax ID number, or employer identification number (EIN) in Georgia. Any business that has multiple members, or plans on hiring employees, is going to need a tax ID number. You’ll also need one if you plan to open a specific business bank account, or if you’ll be using business lines of credit.

Si usted necesita un número de identificación fiscal, the easiest way to get one is to apply online. No matter what, you’ll need to register your business tax id via a simple application. After filling out the application, you’ll need to allow some time for it to process, and afterward, you’ll be given your tax ID. The application asks questions regarding your business, including your business name, your business structure, and the names, addresses, and SSNs of all founding members.

If you apply online, you should be able to complete the application in minutes, and the application should finish processing in an hour or less. It’s hands-down the fastest and most reliable way to get your tax ID.

5. What Is Georgia’s State Tax ID Number?

Su número de identificación fiscal federal (o EIN) es sólo un identificador único que puede asociarse a su empresa. La mayoría de los estados también tienen un número de identificación fiscal estatal para las empresas que operan dentro de sus fronteras; este número de identificación está destinado a registrar las empresas con el gobierno estatal, y es vital para varias funciones.

You’ll need a Georgia state tax ID number if you plan on hiring employees in the state of Georgia, or if you’re planning on selling taxable goods and services in the state. You’ll also need a state tax ID number if you’re going to owe excise taxes, which apply to certain types of state-regulated products, like cigarettes and alcohol.

Be aware that your Georgia state tax ID and federal tax ID are very similar, both in how you apply for them and how you’ll use them in your business, but they are distinct—and you won’t automatically get both when you apply for one or the other.

6. ¿Cómo puedo obtener un número de identificación fiscal del estado de Georgia?

Some business owners find the distinction between employer ID numbers and state tax ID numbers confusing. To make things simple, you’ll definitely need a federal tax ID if your business is hiring employees or has more than one member, and if you’re going to apply for business bank accounts, lines of credit, or licenses and permits. You’ll also definitely need a Georgia state tax ID number if you’re going to hire Georgia employees or sell taxable goods and services in the state.

If you’re ready to apply for a Georgia state tax ID number, you’ll be comforted to know the process is easy (and similar to applying for a federal tax ID). The best way to apply is online; you’ll be able to answer a few questions about your business in the and submit your application. After that, you’ll need to allow some time for the application to process—usually a few days to a few weeks, depending on a handful of variables. And when it’s done, you’ll get your state tax ID via email.

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