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Declaración de impuestos gratuita

Facturación gratuita de impuestos

Filing taxes online is free.  And it’s the fastest way to collect your refund.  Choose IRS e-file and direct deposit for a fast refund.

Not all taxpayers are eligible for a refund.  In fact, you may owe the government a tax payment.  No matter if you owe the IRS $100 or $10,000 you need to make sure that you pay them as quickly as possible. Even if you cannot afford to pay in full, you should send what you have and then contact the IRS or a tax professional to discuss your other options.

Algunas personas evitan pagar lo que deben porque piensan que se les cobrará una tasa adicional. Esto es cierto en algunos casos, pero no en la mayoría.

Know your options for paying your taxes without a fee. They include: direct debit, check, and money order. On the other hand, if you want to pay via credit card you are going to be charged a fee. Even if credit card is the only way you are able to pay taxes, the extra fee is worth paying if you want to stay out of the IRS’s radar.  The IRS collection process will surely cost you more money than the credit card fee.

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